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The Kromasil products are available in bulk or as pre-packed columns. Select on the map a location nearest to you to find a distributor for more information and pricing regarding Kromasil original columns or bulk packings up to 2 kg.

For larger quantities of Kromasil bulk packings, or any additional request, please contact one of our Separation Products offices directly.

Select a country from the world map overview, or select available countries with distributors from the menu below:

Distributor(s) in India

C Abhaykumar & Co.

117, Hindustan Kohinoor Industrial Co
L B S Marg, Vikhroli ( W)
Mumbai 400083
tel: +91-22-40764-700/701
fax: +91-22-2579-4451 

Shreetech Associates

156/5120 'Prasad', New Tilaknagar,
Mumbai: 400089

tel: +91 22 2528 6998
or +91 22 2528 6957
cell: 98 2011 7811
or 98 6915 1524