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Newsletter March 2013 from Kromasil


KromaNews:Prep & Production

The art of packing DAC columns – some hints and advice

In order to have a seamless and problem-free scale-up, and to be able to establish an efficient and cost-effective production, one must assure that the large scale column used is packed with the same high efficiency as the column used for the method development. And this can relatively easy be done with today´s DAC columns available on the market!

See how your DAC column can be packed efficiently!

Of pH and adsorption isotherms

In the last issue of KromaNews we looked at the importance of performing overloading studies during preparative HPLC method development. It was shown that switching the stationary phase, while keeping all other chromatographic parameters constant, altered the non-linear adsorption behavior.
     In this issue, the adsorption behavior of a peptide on the stationary phase at different buffer pH will be shown.

Check out the effect of pH on your yield and purity
Kromasil AkzoNobel

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