Kromasil® Eternity HPLC columns come with particles down to 2.5 μm. EternityXT extends down to 1.8 μm to fit any UHPLC instrument for better efficiency and flexibility in the laboratory. Both can be used for reversed-phase separations and purifications that could demand harsh conditions, fast turnaround, easy method transfer and seamless scale-up from R&D to production.
Work fast across the board
With columns built on the Eternity platform, users can now easily develop and validate UHPLC methods for synthetic and natural products, even under tough pH conditions. method transfer to HPLC for characterization and quality control can be made seamlessly and, if required, scaled up directly for isolation and purification. our extensive assortment of slurry-packed columns, combined with the wide range of particle sizes from 1.8 μm to 10 μm for the Eternity platform, help businesses improve productivity by using one stationary phase type across the entire company.
High efficiency with small particles
When scientists need to get results fast and within an extended pH range, EternityXT columns can help achieve the desired laboratory efficiency.
Alternative selectivity
While C18 columns are the most commonly used for reversed-phase chromatography, PhenylHexyl is an alternative phase chemistry that provides additional interaction opportunities, especially when the analytes of interest contain an aromatic ring. available for both Eternity and EternityXT.
Consistent results between columns and batches
since Nouryon controls the entire manufacturing process of the Eternity platform, from the initial production steps of the stationary phase to the finished packed columns, batch-to-batch as well as column-to-column reproducibility is assured.
Scale-up with ease
as it is fairly straightforward to scale HPlC up or down, having the reproducible Eternity platform phases available on a broad range of particle and column sizes gives the user the key tools to carry out method scaling efficiently.
Loadability increases at high pH
Swift application development in UHPLC mode
In research and development as well as in quality control, natural and synthetic peptides are regularly analysed using reversed-phase chromatography. Kromasil® EternityXT C8 can be the adequate moderate hydrophobic phase for the task. With small particles available, you can take advantage of any UHPLC equipment to develop your analysis with quick turn around.