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Frequently Asked Questions

How can column lifetime be maximized?

Column plugging is responsible for well over half of all column failures. Therefore thorough filtration (0.2 μm) of mobile phases and samples is a key for long column lifetime.

The mobile phase compatibility is another important factor. Standard RP stationary phases are stable under pH 1.5 to 9. Under certain conditions (organic buffers) the stationary phases are even chemically stable up to pH 12. Please consult with our technical support if you would like to use your classic Kromasil column at pH values exceeding pH 9. Generally, organic buffers are milder towards the silica based stationary phase than inorganic ones, such as phosphates or carbonates. If you need to run your method at high pH choose Kromasil EternityXT which is stable up to pH 12.

Further, the columns should never be left in a buffered mobile phase when the flow is interrupted for more than 10 minutes. Either choose a very low flow rate (0.1 ml/min for a 4.6 mm ID column) instead of stopping the flow completely, or exchange any buffered mobile phase with non-buffered one (e.g. water/acetonitrile 70/30). This will prevent the column from being clogged with precipitated buffer salts.